'Joined work You & Me' 5 - (Selbstporträt / autoportrait) - 2004 painted wood and metal, objects, magnets - variable dimension / Every spectator is invited to realize the proposed motive (self-portrait, portrait Fluxus or composition), to photograph it in Polaroid, to register his name then to hang on it next to the work.

'Joined work You & Me' 7 - (Porträt von Fluxus / portrait de Fluxus) - 2004 painted wood and metal, objects, magnets - variable dimension / Every spectator is invited to realize the proposed motive (self-portrait, portrait Fluxus or composition), to photograph it in Polaroid, to register his name then to hang on it next to the work.

'Joined work You & Me' D - 2004 (diptyque) painted wood and metal, objects, magnets - variable dimension / Every spectator is invited to realize the proposed motive (self-portrait, portrait Fluxus or composition), to photograph it in Polaroid, to register his name then to hang on it next to the work.

'Joined work You & Me' 9 - (Porträt von Fluxus / portrait de Fluxus) - 2004 - painted wood and metal, objects, magnets - variable dimension / Every spectator is invited to realize the proposed motive (self-portrait, portrait Fluxus or composition), to photograph it in Polaroid, to register his name then to hang on it next to the work.

'Joined work You & Me' 8 - (Porträt von Fluxus / portrait de Fluxus) - 2004 - painted wood and metal, objects, magnets - variable dimension / Every spectator is invited to realize the proposed motive (self-portrait, portrait Fluxus or composition), to photograph it in Polaroid, to register his name then to hang on it next to the work.