Works Presentation Artists Press Download

                                                                       Nothing gets lost, it is only transformed.


The Lara Vincy Gallery presents Pierre Fisher's first solo show in Paris. Born in 1983, Pierre Fisher is a graduate of Villa Arson, Nice.  Very early his work takes different forms in which three categories can be distinguished: first, there are objects produced serendipitously (lucky finds, unexpected discoveries, playful relations between materials…); then there are some projects connected with curiosity for details and local mysteries (cobbled up objects made by their owners, legends, fascination for the off-beat pop-comics world…) and finally, sculptures appearing as industrial variations made from one basic material, wood.  

Those sculptures are at the heart of the exhibition 28250 Senonches. The title refers to the place where the artist has been working since December 15, 2010: a house in that small town in the forest of the Perche near Senonches, where he cuts and assembles different types of wood fibers that can be found at wood wholesale dealers: Fireproof chipboard OSB, patterned melamine wood, fake linopatterned melamine wood, fake wood patterned melamine wood, damp-proofing chipboard OSB... The forest − his surroundings − is now a component of his works; it is recomposed after being processed by the industry.

Those unusual makeshift jobs echo some kind of craft energy; from industrial elements diverted from their function, the different types of wood become fast made volumes, forms, and patterns. The making process traces are not concealed − each gesture, each operation is perceptible. Pierre Fisher lives isolated in the forest, yet he lives in his time, he doesn't cut timber, he gets shipboard, plywood, Oriented Strand Boarddelivered. From this small village emerge shapes, "the American way" as he says − monoliths, pillars, tubes, futuristic or cobbled up blocks. Every now and then, there is an element that disturbs or brightens up the shape, it all depends: with sound, strings of fairy lights, kitsch accessories…

The constantly evolving cobbled up tricks blur all tracks.  The matter at hand is not minimalist desire or some cult of the finished, it is just the natural state of things, it is all about flirting, testing, cobbling up ad infinitum, about reintroducing the craft industry, the human scale at the end of the industrial chain − a come back to square one: the forest.  Those totem poles all together seem to make up an industrial and artificial forest. Or is it the model of a fantastic city where some superhero would pity innocent souls? From that remote and isolated countryside, Pierre Fisher seems to be talking about the city, about his time; he plays with beats, tempos, he shows the new curse put on local wood to meet the needs of fast-growing construction in the far away megalopolises. That is the paradox of the young sculptor of Senonches.


                                                                                              Jean-Marie Gallais, 2012


A text by Jean-Marie Gallais (Pierre Fisher, Et hop!) has been published by the gallery in a booklet on the occasion of this exhibition.


Mystery guest: Nicolas H. Muller


Recent shows (selection):


2012 Menthol hospital, " Chez Robert" (solo show) /  2011 SterlingOSB,  Komplot, Brussells (solo show) - An auction, Mains d’Œuvres, Saint-Ouen -  Accross the universe, La Générale, Paris /  2010 Hic, Villa Arson, Nice - The 55th contemporary art show of Montrouge - Gala, Triangle France, Marseille - This year, Galerie de la Marine, Nice - Loading, PM gallery, Berlin - Hein, Double blind / Arrêtez d’essayer de me comprendre, Villa Arson, Nice - Permanent Collection, Mains d’Œuvres, Saint-Ouen / 2009 Insiders, with Justin Meekel, CAPC, Bordeaux - Drrr, Störck galerie, Rouen - Verdure 2, here and there 2008 United artists, Le 10 rd, Nice - The First International Roaming Biennal of Tehran, Bethanien, Berlin - Verdure 1, here and there.