Untitled (musical score) - ca. 1970 - Printing ink and glue on canvas - 55 x 38 cm - Private collection
Untitled (de Gaulle en ballotage) - 1965 - Printing ink and glue on canvas - 27 x 41 cm
Untitled (candidat du socialisme) - 1969 - Printing ink and glue on canvas - 33 x 55 cm
Untitled (Revolution) - ca. 1968 - Printing ink and glue on canvas - 81 x 54 cm
Untitled (women) - ca. 1966 - Printing ink and glue on canvas - 55 x 33 cm
Untitled (race cars) - ca. 1966 - Printing ink and glue on canvas - 22 x 33 cm
"W la Libertà" - 1982 - Paper, plexiglas, wood - 54,5 x 54,5 cm
"Le mouvement séparatiste" - 1978 - Edition argentic photo on wood - 40,5 x 33,5 cm